it is very hard...
...and challenging to stay positive.
Especially when there is negative vibes,
or negative things happened around you.
If this happened,
don't keep it to yourself.
It will be a burden to you.
You might have negatives thoughts,
you can also get stressed and demotivated.
Go find the person that you can trust
and share your thoughts and feelings.
You may feel the burden
or the negativity fading out.
Always stay positive and be happy always. ☺️
Cik TK - 1st April 2022, 9.45am
(While waiting for the train)
14 Ulasan
insyaAllah.. =)
BalasPadamSemoga kita semua sentiasa positif
BalasPadamneed to find someone yang boleh divert the negative vibes into positive.
Betul tu ammi
PadamBetul itu kena dikelilingi mereka yang positif.
BalasPadamMoga kita semua sentiasa positif
Padampositif bermula dr kita. ia ibarat magnet. bila kita positif maka kita akan tarik benda2 yg positif. begitu jg sblk nya
PadamMari kita cuba untuk sentiasa kekal positif. Thanks for the positive vibes, Cik TK dear :)
BalasPadamSama2 kak farrah! Sama2 kita cuba!
Padampositif benda elok2 yer...
PadamYes mama setuju spread the good vibes
BalasPadamSama-sama kita usaha
PadamJangan malu-malu untuk tinggalkan komen dan jejak ya! Nanti Cik TK blogwalking ke blog korang pula!